Monday, October 09, 2006

Why is it that despite the fact that crime has fallen, prisons are being stretched to breaking point? And how on Earth can police cells work as a substitute, with the lack of facilities they have? But the government will not suggest locking fewer people up and working on community based alternatives for rehabilitation.


Anonymous said...

Have you ever thought crime may be falling precisely because more criminals ARE in prison, therefore not able to commit crime? The social reasons are not being addressed, so what other reason can there be? Its an uncomfortable thought, but it may just be true.

Bad Kitty said...

I'm not so sure about that, Paddy. You may find that the reduction in crime happened prior to the increase in imprisonment, and the rate of crime falling may be higher than the prison numbers. I'll have to check up on it, though. Prison does not seem an effective way of stopping crime, as countries such as Norway which tend to use community sentences more have quite a low crime rate. But then they are more social democratic States anyway...

Anonymous said...

Just wondering thats all..........No way am I advocating more prisons!