Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Support Chen Guangheng

This brave man currently stands trial in China for exposing the forced abortions and sterilisations carried out under China's one child policy.

All progressives should give him their unconditional support as it is highly doubtful he will be given a fair trial judging by China's overall human rights record. His wife has been barred from attending the trial, and against his will he has been given two State appointed lawyers. Chen exposed a programme in which as thousands of women were forced into abortions or sterilisations. Those who attempted to flee were beaten or jailed. A heartbreaking example is here.

This is one area in which pro life and pro choice activists should be able to unite. Raise awareness by circulating the information, and write to the foreign secretary.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Where are the pro "choicers"? Where is Amnesty International?